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Each step a woman or girl takes to collect water is a step away from education, work, and leisure. Be part of the change.

While all currencies are accepted, your donation will be processed in US dollars.

If you live in Canada, donate at CanadaHelps.

Give a monthly gift and accelerate our progress toward achieving water and sanitation for all!

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Water For People has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 20 years. This distinction places our organization in the top 1% of all charities. The GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency indicates our commitment to transparency.

Water for People’s tax ID

Water For People is recognized in the United States as tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our federal tax ID number is 84-1166148.

For Canadian residents, to make a Canadian tax-deductible donation, visit Canada Helps and add "WSP" in the message box. This helps us accurately track donations and credit WSP for their donation program.

While you can donate from anywhere in the world, at this time, we only process gifts as US dollars. If you are outside of the United States, you will see a different amount on your credit card as the amounts shown below are in US dollars. Please explore the current exchange rate here. Please note your credit card company's rates may differ slightly.

Thank you for choosing to support Water For People!


Having clean drinking water is a basic necessity that many of us take for granted, but 2.2 billion people lack
access to clean water. That’s nearly 1 in 4 people in the world.

Thanks to you and WSP, we're changing that number. 

Water For People is very excited about our partnership with WSP and look forward to the impact we can make

Girls can begin walking
for water as young as
4 years old.